Mission Stadiums for Multiple Sclerosis

COVID has been one long-lasting global “relapse”

My MS Story by Angie Gensler

It’s been the great unknown, coming out of nowhere, making people sick, and putting a global PAUSE on everyday life. It has forced millions of people into an extensive reassessment of their daily lives.

Sounds a bit familiar…

I have grown to accept the unknown every day for the past 16 years. What that means is Multiple Sclerosis has taken my sight, ability to swallow, ability to walk straight, string a sentence together, hold objects without dropping or run the mile I did the day before. MS has taken the big moments and also the small daily moments in my life. It is constantly putting a PAUSE on my life.

MS has been the reassessment of my own life starting 16 years ago. I learned I could no longer live haphazardly on the constant go, living on coffee and adrenaline.

I learned to develop personal accountability one choice at a time. The unknown is where I’ve learned to function, to thrive, and to keep living.

I have learned to never waste good days. I wake up and chase new strength, I feed my body optimal nutrition/supplements, I take moments to be thankful and reaffirm a positive mindset.

When my MS symptoms peak I tap into my reserve, reflect on my capabilities and embrace the time my body needs rest. See our families needed rest, our society needed rest, we needed to quell the craziness that has become everyday life.

COVID has been one long-lasting global “relapse” or PAUSE.

Relapses and pandemics don’t last forever, but the behaviors we develop during this time will have a lasting impact on our lives. I hope you can take this time to pause and reflect on your accountability and develop healthy habits, to see you through this challenging time.

We will get through this. Trust in God.

My MS Story by Angie Gensler

It’s been the great unknown, coming out of nowhere, making people sick, and putting a global PAUSE on everyday life. It has forced millions of people into an extensive reassessment of their daily lives.

Sounds a bit familiar…

I have grown to accept the unknown every day for the past 16 years. What that means is Multiple Sclerosis has taken my sight, ability to swallow, ability to walk straight, string a sentence together, hold objects without dropping or run the mile I did the day before. MS has taken the big moments and also the small daily moments in my life. It is constantly putting a PAUSE on my life.

MS has been the reassessment of my own life starting 16 years ago. I learned I could no longer live haphazardly on the constant go, living on coffee and adrenaline.

I learned to develop personal accountability one choice at a time. The unknown is where I’ve learned to function, to thrive, and to keep living.

I have learned to never waste good days. I wake up and chase new strength, I feed my body optimal nutrition/supplements, I take moments to be thankful and reaffirm a positive mindset.

When my MS symptoms peak I tap into my reserve, reflect on my capabilities and embrace the time my body needs rest. See our families needed rest, our society needed rest, we needed to quell the craziness that has become everyday life.

COVID has been one long-lasting global “relapse” or PAUSE.

Relapses and pandemics don’t last forever, but the behaviors we develop during this time will have a lasting impact on our lives. I hope you can take this time to pause and reflect on your accountability and develop healthy habits, to see you through this challenging time.

We will get through this. Trust in God.


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